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Sunday, 12 June 2011

Digital Photography - A REAL Revolution or just a Money Making Hoax?

Most people are like sheep.  They follow where it seems the main stream in anything goes.  It becomes the norm and then the truth.  Or does it?

In South Africa we had the saying "Lucky Strike cannot be bad for you as a million miners are smoking it and a million miners cannot ALL be wrong"

The same is true of digital photography.  Many millions of people are snapping away with the plethora of digital imaging devices so it MUST BE PHOTOGRAPHY !!!

Actually it is not.

If it was REAL PHOTOGRAPHY then Adobe Photoshop and so many other "PHOTOGRAPHIC" Software would not be needed to create an acceptable photograph.

In the good old days when most camera owners did not have access to darkrooms and photo manipulation devices there were photographers around the world that took the most stunning photographs that needed NO MANIPULATION to be classed as good or even excellent.

This is mostly not true of digital imaging.  Yes there are photographers out there that take excellent photographs with digital imaging devices, read camera, cellular phone, etc, but in 99% of the cases the images acquired by using digital imaging devices NEED manipulation of some sort to make it acceptable.  In actual fact most "serious photographers" out rightly condemn those that have not at least done some minor "photoshopping" or equivalent post-processing to their digital images.  So good "photoshopping" has become the norm and not GOOD photography :-(

The ONLY REAL BENEFIT of digital "photography" is that the user does not have to pay for really bad or deplorable images and that such people can do so immediately and painlessly.

So where does the "hoax" come in?  Easy really.  Now it is virtually possible for everyone to create unlimited bad digital images without having to fork out the money to pay for such images.  Thus the money that people would be loath to spend on bad images are now being spent on digital "cameras" creating a money making opportunity for the manufacturesrs of digital imaging devices such as cellular phones with lenses, GPSes with digital imaging capabilities and so on and so forth..........

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